Our innovative system allows us to carry out repairs even at the component level, using the most advanced tools. We manage from PC to tablet, from smartphone to POS, from TV to video projector to industrial automation systems.
Through our warehouse area, we are able to manage the distribution, in Italy and abroad, of products and spare parts to the destinations requested by the customer, such as authorized centers or end users.
The staging activity for third parties involves the use of dedicated spaces linked with a software infrastructure to guarantee the traceability of each individual product.
Customer Care
We support each client by providing a real-time interface with our online control system to monitor and report on every step of any process,

Full Service
A Novo ensures full coverage of the after-sales service process; from product installation, to the stock of spare parts and components in the warehouse, to transport, repair, customization of the goods, from customer care to software development.
A NOVO is certified for the management of consumer and professional electronic products (IQnet / Cisq, UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015, TSIA, ATM Consortium)
We believe in the concepts of circular economy and we
actively promote them.

Between us, our customers, the environment.
We evolve together with our know-how trying to be updated on the technology that surrounds us

The industrialization of spaces and processes is the key to guarantee quality and competitiveness

Our future
For us, technology, when at the service of people, in the professional or consumer world, means evolution.
We want a world where the management of the life cycle of technology should not forget to respect the environment in which we live, avoiding waste, recycling materials,
reducing travels, extending the life of products.
We want A NOVO to grow in this direction, towards a real technological improvement, at the service of the environment and of the people.
Enzo Muscia
Never lose confidence in the future
The precious help and harmony of the team, professionality and honesty are the values ​​that Enzo Muscia, President of A NOVO ITALIA, "Cavaliere al merito" of Italian Republic, has chosen as the foundation of A Novo Italia.
Enzo Muscia began his professional career in 1990 as an electronic technician; afterwards he covered various roles until he assumed the responsibility of the Commercial Division of A Novo spa. In 2012, the head quarter decided to close the business in Saronno and fire all employees; therefore Muscia takes over the company that had fired him, hiring his ex-colleagues. The incredible story of Enzo Muscia is told in an autobiographical book entitled "Tutto per tutto" (ROI Edizioni) and the main character of a RaiUno fiction entitled
"Il mondo sulle spalle".

Enzo Muscia buys the branch of business, destined to collapse, from the French group ANOVO. He believes in his skills and in the excellence of the few initial collaborators. He decides to create A Novo Italia srl.
We Are
Verifone selects A Novo Italia for the assistance on its POS, about 150 thousand per year. A Novo re-hires another 13 collaborators and continues its growth!
A Novo Italia opens "The Samsung Customer Service, center of Turin", specialized in assistance on phones and mobile services
It's only been 4 years since the restart, several more customers have been acquired in the pc/mobile/pos/medical fields. Another 15 collaborators have been re-hired. Enzo Muscia, the president, is awarded the title of Cavaliere dell'ordine al merito of the Italian Republic.
A NOVO has 49 employees and a turnover of 3M Eur.
A NOVO inaugurates a new commercial strategy in order to strengthen further branding and market position.
Tel. +39 02 96172329